Rocket fuel for book sales

How it works

Set your book to free. We tell the world.

Author Step One

Step one

Choose the genre of the book you want to promote.

Author Step Two

Step Two

Select the date of your promo and fill in your book information - we need your Amazon link & a short book description.

Author Step Three

Step Three

We send your book out to readers interested in your genre, and you sit back while your sales skyrocket.

Here’s what Hello Books can do for authors



Get your free or 0.99 book into the hands of readers who may never have heard of you otherwise.


Climb the rankings

The more books you sell or give away, the higher up the Amazon free chart you climb!



More book sales equals increased revenue. And, if you are in Kindle Unlimited, watch your page reads grow.

Super Fans

Build Superfans

With legions of new readers, your launches will be bigger than ever before.

Ready to get started?

Click the button below to see what promos are available